
Showing posts from August, 2023

Becky’s 100 Pound Weight Loss on Keto

My weight loss story started back when I was probably 13 and my mother took me to Gloria Stevens (weight loss salon) they would shake maracas when you weighed in if you lost weight and the whole place would clap for you. It was like a circuit exercise salon I guess is the best way to put it. I went to Diet Center when I was in high school and went down to 144lbs. before graduation. Then, a few years later I joined Weight Watchers for the second or third time to lose weight for my wedding. I’ve never had an eating disorder per se but I’ve always had an unhealthy relationship with food and envied those that could just eat without thinking about it. Many years of abusing my body with overindulging foods not right for me has left me lumpy and saggy but so has having kids and I wouldn’t change that. I wish I could say that I’m one of those women on IG that rejoices about their stretch marks and cellulite but I’m not. I don’t think I will ever embrace that. Yes, I’m proud to be a mother and